Mitos vs realidad: automatización en Marketing

Tiempo de lectura (5 min): el mito más popular sobre la automatización del marketing es que “solo funciona para el marketing por correo electrónico”. ¡Es un concepto erróneo popular simplemente porque las personas desconocen las ventajas y funcionalidades de la automatización de marketing en todos los canales! No hay duda de que el marketing por correo electrónico es uno de los canales más viables para la automatización del marketing, pero con una plataforma todo en uno que permite al usuario automatizar varios canales de comunicación y crear la estrategia de marketing óptima para aumentar las ventas y generar clientes potenciales.

Facebook Lead Ads

Facebook Lead Ads allow all those people interested in learning more about your company to do so without the need to fill out endless forms from scratch. Just by clicking on your ad, an autocompleted form will appear with their Facebook contact information and that’s it! they can send it directly to you. But it doesn’t end there, for the ad to be as successful as planned, the person who submitted the form needs to convert. For this, the automation of Facebook Lead Ads plays a very important role.

Myths vs Reality – Marketing automation

Reading time (5 Min) – The most popular myth about marketing automatization is that “it only works for email marketing.” It is a popular misconception simply because people are unaware of the advantages and functionalities of marketing automatization in all channels! There’s no debating that email marketing is one of the most viable channels for marketing automatization, but with an All-in-one platform that allows the user to automatize various communication channels and create the optimal marketing strategy to grow sales and generate leads.