
5 Reasons Why You Should Use SMS Forms for Customer Feedback​

5 Reasons Why You Should Use SMS Forms for Customer Feedback

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As we head into a new decade, top companies like Amazon have shown us how having good customer service is essential to success. As business owners, we work so our company can offer the best services to consumers. We look at every detail from how good our products are to our marketing strategies. Something important to know is customer feedback, we may think our business is amazing but our customers might have a different say in this. That’s why you need to collect data from your customers to understand how they feel about your brand.

There are multiple reasons for businesses to ask for customer feedback. Because you want to know how your customers feel about you, or where you can improve areas of business such as processing or customer service, and many more. But getting this crucial information poses a challenge to business owners. Consumers don’t have the time nor feel obligated to complete Landing Page surveys, forms, questionnaires.

Consumers have the power to make or break a brand. We’ve seen this when brands explode when they go viral, for good and bad reasons. Every year we see how Superbowl ads contract celebrities to endorse an ad to bring in consumers to try your brand. The same way a negative response to a customer can really damage a brand. It causes a ripple effect, one customer tells their friends and family about a bad experience with a company. Then one of them tells another friend, and more friends & families and so on. So how can you collect customer feedback? SMS!


Text messages have a high engagement rate and they are quick and easy to handle. More and more consumers are using their mobile phones for their everyday life, so providing a quick form with an incentive can guarantee a high response rate for this crucial information you’re seeking out for.

1. Simplicity

Have you ever been through a complicated website? One that doesn’t explain where you can find information easily? As a user, you get frustrated. Even worse, you get turned off by this. Causing you to look for another simpler brand.

Simplicity is key. Short, easy surveys will let customers quickly reply to how they feel about your brand. Texting isn’t complicated, it is a user-friendly way to communicate with your customers. You can build appealing mobile landing pages with your brand logo and colors. They can include different questionnaire styles, CTA buttons, pictures, and much more. Best of all, you can create custom domains so consumers feel like its a safe link and will be more likely to click on it

2. Ripple Effect

How you react to your customer feedback is crucial. Responding positively and quickly will cause the ripple effect you’re looking for. When you go above and beyond for customers, they will tell their friends and family about their positive experience. Causing them to tell other people, spreading the impact your brand has.

Using SMS Chat is a unique way to handle your customer feedback, as not many brands use this method. Have your agent handle customer feedback by letting them solve some of their problems. Having problems resolved quickly will give your brand a positive perceptio

3. Re-targeting

Use personalized landing pages to create forms and surveys. Depending on how your customers reply, you can trigger an SMS with an offer to better their next experience. So, for unhappy responses such as getting rated 2 out of 5 stars, you can trigger an SMS so they receive free shipping or 25% off their next order.

This kind of customer service goes a long way. The customer will appreciate that their voice is being heard, and the extra incentive is always a plus for them. Best of all, you get to keep a recurring customer from a simple SMS retargeting campaign.

Or you can also choose to send an SMS whenever a user opts to receive texts from your organization within a predefined amount of time. This will make your organization look professional and attentive to customers.

4. Tracking

Modern business is built on data. Businesses gather critical information, and SMS has the technology necessary to understand to collect data. With pixel tracking companies will know how many users have clicked on an URL, they will see how many people opened the landing page & completed the forms vs opened the landing page & did not complete it.

This lets businesses review how strong their SMS message is or how complicated their forms are.

5. Convenient and Appreciated

Our phones are becoming more and more powerful. We do most of our shopping and online surfing through our smartphones. Offering customer feedback methods through SMS makes it comfortable for users to handle. The interface is something they understand because it is adapted to their device.

Making this easy customer form with few clicks allows for more customers to complete your forms. And just as simple it is for users, it’s even easier to set up for businesses. Text message campaigns can be up and running in a matter of minutes without extra infrastructure costs. Schedule SMS campaigns to ensure you’re consistently engaging with new audiences.

You can also set up SMS messages for customers that complete purchases. Set up an easy automated “Thank you” message to customers that just used your service. This type of information does not require giving up sensitive information but more as an online review.

“Thank you for shopping at E-Commerce123 today. Let us know what you think of us and how we can improve your experience https://ecommerce123.com/form.php

It all starts with a simple SMS

Stop using paper surveys for your customer feedback strategy. These methods prove to be a cost that does not generate any completed forms. Text messaging lets you reach your customer database with a preferred channel of communication. Learn how simple it is to get started today!

Categories: Marketing