Get Notifications for New Reponses in Your Forms

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Set up your notifications to increase reach and revenue. Send and receive instant information. Convert website visitors into new clients.

Get notifications as soon as your Forms are submitted

Did you know that if a lead is contacted within the first 5 minutes after he/she submitted the form, it is 60 times more likely to convert than if it is contacted 24 hours later?
Increase sales and Improve customer experience
With Go4Clients you get notified with the lead info as soon as the form is submitted, allowing you to attend the lead immediately increasing the possibilities to convert the leads into new clients and increase your sales You can also send automatic responses to your leads with personalized messages combining Email, SMS and Calls which drastically improves the user experience.
Works with any Form
It doesn’t matter if you’ve created your form with Jotform, Prontoform, Google Form, Typeform, Contact Form 7, etc. If the form builder has webhooks, It will take you minutes to integrate your form with Go4Clients to start receiving notifications and sending automatic responses to your leads.
Directly integrated with facebook lead ads

The integration with Facebook Lead Ads couldn’t be easier.
Login into Go4clients, Select your Facebook form & your Au tomation and you are ready!

Get Instant Notifications

Receive an Automatic Notification as soon as the form is submitted. It will include all the lead information and you can receive it via Email, SMS or Calls.
Send emails to notify your team members, your co-workers or check the metrics of your campaigns.
You will have the data directly and immediately, allowing you to respond automatically: faster and effortlessly.

Send automatic responses to your leads using a Multichannel Strategy
Connect your ads with our automatic sequences “Drips by Go4Clients” and send personalized responses combining a sequence of Emails, SMS and Calls.
Your lead could receive:
The possibilities are endless.
Don’t you have a form yet?
Create one with Go4Forms and start sending and receiving notifications instantly.
Respuestas automatizadas: La clave del éxito

Send confirmation emails to customers when they fill your contact form
Follow up your leads by sending automatic emails.
Get real-time notifications on your mobile phone when a new form is submitted.
Send discount coupons, event tickets and exclusive promotions by email or SMS.
Provide a free PDF ebook or exclusive information to form respondents after they submit the form.

And more!
Still not sure and want more information?
Contact one of our experts and receive personalized advice!
Categories: Marketing