Multi-Channel, Cross-Channel, and Omni-Channel. Let Go4Clients help you sort things out

October 28, 2020

Multi-Channel, Cross-Channel, and Omni-Channel. Let Go4Clients help you sort things out

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All of these strategies have 1 thing in common, they all want you to reach your audience on multiple channels. The strategy comes into play with how you use each channel, and how they CAN be used. For any organization that uses multiple channels to communicate with their users, there needs to be consistency between brand and message, but to be successful you need to go even further to segment and personalize your messages to each users individual wants & needs.


The first level of using multiple channels to convey your message, in this case a multi-channel strategy uses different channels but these channels don’t inform each other. Using SMS, Voice and Email campaigns separately targeting the same users with different platforms or systems makes integration harder and confuses performance attribution. But with Go4Clients already integrated channels you can still use a multi-channel strategy to send separate SMS, Voice and Email campaigns and your performance will be attributed correctly. Landing users on your site with our Google Analytics integration turned on will follow the user throughout the users session.


For a Cross-Channel strategy, Multiple channels will be used but they can inform each other of the users behavior and continue the 1 way conversation to the user.  Go4Clients’ single platform has integrated SMS, Voice and Email so that you can retarget users from SMS and continue the message with Voice or Email. Drip campaigns can be setup to automatically move users down an informational process or marketing funnel and retargeting campaigns for that final push for a conversion.


The Omni-Channel strategy is much like the Cross-channel strategy with one added enhancement, a user’s feedback! Go4Clients allows users who received an SMS campaign respond directly back to the number with SMS Chat. Use a virtual number to send out your SMS campaigns and the user will be able to call you back on that number. That call can then be routed to an IVR message to direct the call to the correct department or directly to your sales or customer service call centers all within the Go4Clients platform!



Ecommerce Use case: 

Did a user visit a product page on your site, added the item to the cart but then did not purchase? They need to be followed up with multiple channels and sequential messaging to get them to purchase. Use Go4Clients Cross Channel strategy to follow up with drip campaigns to push the user to complete the sale.

FinTech Use Case: 


Bank customers that need constant communication with the brand prefer SMS, 67% of US Consumers would like to receive service based messages from banks. Omni-Channel SMS, Voice communications will keep the user informed and allow you to retarget users who reply with certain keywords to trigger a drip campaign or relay a link for banking status. This can be used to send the user a link and reply back with questions via SMS Chat or phone call. 


How do you know which Omni channel platform to use?

Well you need to decide which channels are most effective and can deliver performance at for every engagement touch point. Go4Clients focuses on the 3 major channels that can produce amazing results for every engagement. Use email to introduce your brand and drive them to your ecommerce or service based website. Have keywords published on your website to have users opt-in to receive alerts from your brand with SMS and finally follow up with a Voice campaign to close the sale and keep the user informed of upcoming changes. 

Customer Journey

With Go4Clients included features, you can create dynamic personalized landing pages in minutes, use the URL Shortener to track individual users response to SMS messages and use the groups and contacts list to easily retarget your users with drip campaigns to create a decision tree of Voice, SMS, and Email messages to automatically keep the user engaged and brand loyal. 

Go4Clients is the All-In-One Omni-channel platform that can produce results and grow your business no matter the vertical or industry. Contact sales today to see how we can help you and your business!

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