Why use Go4Clients to optimize your Network?

1. Generate the highest number of clicks in the most economical way

One of the most common methods to get leads is to send a lot of emails or SMS and calls.

Go4Clients Drips allows publishers to dramatically increase ROI by maximizing the opportunity of the low cost of Email, high SMS conversion, and quick response to calls.

Here are some examples:

  • Send an email, and if it is rejected, an SMS + Landing page is immediately sent.
  • Send an email, and if after one day no action is reported, an SMS + Landing Page is sent, and if there is no action after one day, a call is sent.
  • Send an SMS + Landing Page, and if the Landing page is not open in a day, another SMS is sent a few hours later.

Omnichannel properties and Drips allow you to make and test different sequences until you reach the most efficient one.

2. Trace your clicks

One of the essential things for publishers is knowing who the user is, where and when they click and knowing how many clients were generated.

Go4Clients offers a URL Shortener that allows you to dynamically create a custom "short URL" to track each of the clicks generated from the Landing Pages sent by SMS or emails.

3. Convert your Email database to SMS

Many of the Publishers base their strategy on sending a large number of emails. These are always a good option, but sometimes, the low response rate added to the blocking filters of the email operators has led to a shallow conversion in some cases, and the ROI of the business is minimal or even harmful.

An alternative is based on sending SMS to the same Email database. But how do you get the phone numbers if you only have the Email?

The Go4Clients platform offers plugins that allow you to obtain the phone number from an email. It is easy and fast to implement! Convert Emails into Phone Numbers to send SMS.

At Go4Clients, we can help you and give you all the tools you need to optimize your services.

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