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A quick set of videos giving you an overview on how i help businesses to 10x their end-user interactions boosting sales, leads, conversions & collections.

Are you planning to fail or failing to plan?

4 Big Mistakes

4 typical mistakes
You’re making right now!
Companies doing lead-gen to drive traffic to their website...

Unreliable Data

🤦🏽‍♀️ Just like the US, Europe misuses Data 🤦🏽‍♀️
〰️ I often see companies still buy Email lists, and then spam them with an un-personalized message...

Digital Transformation

📡 You went digital now you are Fu**ed 📡

Remember the good old times back in February 2020?

CRMs Don't Convert Sales

Treat Customers Right - Spanish Subtitles

Subtitulado al español

Ayudamos a millones de ciudadanos 👨🏽‍💻 En 4 países Latinos los gobiernos establecieron beneficios de emergencia para sus ciudadanos...

Connecting Government & Citizens - Spanish Subtitles

Subtitulado al español

Ayudamos a millones de ciudadanos 👨🏽‍💻 En 4 países Latinos los gobiernos establecieron beneficios de emergencia para sus ciudadanos...

Gold Mine Database
Spanish Subtitles

Subtitulado al español

No estas llegando a tu cuota de ventas ¿Porque no estás comprometido con los clientes actuales? Amamos y prosperamos en la automatización...


Subtitulado al español

¿Estas perdiendo ventas por email? 🤦‍♀️ ¡Comience a usar una estrategia de marketing multicanal!

Retargeting Exitoso

Subtitulado al español

Estás desperdiciando oportunidades y dinero Al NO hacer retargeting o seguir sus campañas...

Treat Customer Right
With Multi-Channel Platforms

#Go4 #cx #callcenter

You’re screwed if you don’t switch from a B2C to a B2P mindset Allow me to set up the mood so we can all relate...

What's Your Post-Corona
Business Strategy?

#PostCorona #Go4 #cx

PreCorona strategies are dead❗️ This global event has transformed our lives AND way of doing business...

Second Guessing Yourself?

#Go4 #cx #callcenter

Only second guess yourself…. As a mechanism to prevent impulsive choices...

Tips On How To Avoid Spamming Your Customers

#SPAMMY #Go4 #cx

🚥 Are you Spamming customers? 🚥
Low conversions from your campaigns may be a result of involuntary spamming...

Handle Your Overwhelmed Call Centers From The Corona-crisis

#Coronacrisis #Go4 #cx

Damaged your customer experience during #Coronacrisis? Did you pi$$-off customers?

Successful Retargeting Campaigns

#Go4 #cx #callcenter

You are throwing away opportunities and money By NOT retargeting or following up on your campaigns...

Competitors Are Stealing Your Market Share

#Go4 #cx #callcenter

A competitor is stealing your market share right now Nothing is worse than competitors launching innovative technology to engage users...

Customers are SCARED of YOU

#Go4 #cx #callcenter

Customers are SCARED of you. They’re afraid of what you might do with their personal info.

Gold Mine Of Data

Missing your sales quota Because you're not engaging with current customers?

Is Email Making You Lose Sales?

Is Email making you lose sales? 🤦‍♀️ Start using a multi-channel marketing strategy!