Multi-Channel, Cross-Channel, and Omni-Channel, Let Go4Clients help you sort things out.

Reading time (3 Min) – All of these strategies have 1 thing in common, they all want you to reach your audience on multiple channels. The strategy comes into play with how you use each channel, and how they CAN be used. For any organization that uses multiple channels to communicate with their users, there needs to be consistency between brand and message, but to be successful you need to go even further to segment and personalize your messages to each users individual wants & needs.

How To Send An SMS Campaign Safely

Reading time (4 Min) – To some companies, SMS is one of their main marketing strategies. They send weekly blasts to their customers promoting products or services & in return they generate a healthy revenue. There are many positive outlooks to SMS marketing, for starters, consumers are starting to do EVERYTHING on their mobile device.

How SMS Complements Email Marketing

Reading time (3 Min) – Email marketing is one of the most popular methods marketers use to advertise their company. It’s a cheap and effective way to reach out to your customers, clients, or prospects. But as technology continues to change, so do consumers. Everyday more and more consumers prefer to be contacted via Text Message for certain offers or services.