Facebook Lead Ads Integration

Facebook Lead Ads Integration

Don’t let your “leads” go cold

Companies who contact the leads within an hour are seven times more likely to qualify them, than companies that contact leads just an hour later and sixty times more likely (60x !!!) than companies that wait 24 hours or longer.

How much would you pay to be able to contact your leads just minutes after filling the form, and generate at least 7X more leads than what you are generating today?

Many companies use forms like “Facebook Lead Ads” to obtain users’ information in order to generate leads, but in most cases, the opportunity is lost because the lead is not contacted immediately. This results in the lead losing interest and contacting your competition.

Instead, imagine that when a lead fills out your form, they immediately receive a phone call from your agents, or perhaps they receive an email or text message with the product information & how to buy.

These and multiple other sequences can be created in minutes and triggered from your CRM, Forms, CMS, and many others.

Facebook Lead Ads Workflows

Send a Go4Clients DRIP ( combination of CALL + SMS + EMAIL) to a lead created in Facebook Lead Ads

Don’t let you leads go cold, contact them immediately. When you get a new response from Facebook Lead Ads, Go4Clients will send a DRIP ( combination of Call + SMS + Email ) to the lead.

Use this template

Send a Go4Clients DRIP ( combination of CALL + SMS + EMAIL) to a lead created in Facebook Lead Ads

Don’t let you leads go cold, contact them immediately. When you get a new response from Facebook Lead Ads, Go4Clients will send a DRIP ( combination of Call + SMS + Email ) to the lead.

Use this template

Send a Go4Clients personalized Call to a new Facebook Lead Ads lead

When you get a new response from Facebook Lead Ads, Go4Clients will send a personalized Call to the lead. You could use your own audio or use Text2Speech.

Use this template

Send Go4Clients personalized Email to a new Facebook Lead Ads lead

When you get a new response from a Facebook Lead Ads lead, Go4Clients will send a personalized email to the lead

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Send Go4Clients personalized SMS to a new Facebook Lead Ads lead

When you get a new response from Facebook Lead Ads, Go4Clients will send a personalized SMS to the lead

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Send Go4Clients Mail to new Facebook Lead Ads leads

When you get new responses to your Facebook Lead Ads Form, Go4Clients will send an email to the respondent

Use this template

Send Go4Clients Mail to new Facebook Lead Ads leads

When you get new responses to your Facebook Lead Ads Form, Go4Clients will send an SMS to the respondent

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Send a Call with drip from Go4Clients for new Facebook Lead Ads

Every time a new Facebook lead Ads Is created, Integromat will trigger a Drip Call with Go4Clients.

Use this template

Facebook Lead Ads screenshots